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Keep it Simple with Cardboard Packaging

Cardboard Packaging


The use of cardboard packaging seems too simple to many people. They may think that there has to be a better way to ship products around the world. They will talk about the negatives of cardboard. It can get wet; it is not always strong enough, and it does not offer the most protection for what is inside. There may be some truth in these arguments, although it can be debated. While some people may think that there is a better idea when it comes to shipping materials, smart businesses are keeping it simple and are continuing to use cardboard boxes to ship their products. To understand why this it is better to look at all of the benefits that come from using cardboard packaging boxes.

The Cost

When it comes to shipping materials, cardboard boxes are fairly cheap. The cost of a box can be a few pennies when bought in bulk and are the most affordable type of packaging material for many products.

The Flexibility

Cardboard boxes can come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They can be made to fit the products that are inside of them, or they can include dividers that allow multiple products to be shipped in the same box.

The Strength

Cardboard can be a thin sheet of paper, or it can include many layers of paper to make it stronger. Corrugated folding packaging boxes offer even more strength than traditional cardboard boxes. They can be used for heavier products or products that need more protection. They also provide protection against moisture.


One of the biggest benefits of cardboard boxes is the ease of storage. Corrugated folding packaging boxes can be made flat until they are needed. They require very little space for storage until they are ready to be used.


The protection the cardboard offers depends on the strength of the cardboard. It is also possible to increase the protection of the materials inside of the cardboard boxes by adding the right shipping materials.


Adding print or other graphics onto the box makes them useful for advertising a business or the product. Smart businesses are using custom boxes as a way to help spread their business name.

Cardboard may seem like a simple material for packaging because it is. There are many times when a business is able to succeed by keeping it simple, and that is what they should do when it comes to choosing packaging materials.

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