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Growth Anticipated for Folding Cartons Manufacturer

If you are a folding cartons manufacturer, you may be happy to know that growth within this industry is expected to continue. According to a study completed by Smithers Pira, the folding carton industry is growing globally by 5.1% per year, and it is anticipated to reach over $184 billion by 2018. This can be traced back to the 1.3% increase in carton board production, which reached a total of 42.5 million tons in 2012, over half of which originated in the Asia-Pacific sector of the world. This market growth is thought to be driven by an increasing demand for folding cartons to house healthcare items, dry foods, frozen foods, and cigarettes, especially in countries that are experiencing emerging or growing economies.

Anticipated Trends for Folding Cartons Manufacturers

The Study by Smithers Pira indicated that a variety of trends in the folding carton industry will be experienced from 2013-2018. Three new technologies are expected to add value to the market between those years: barrier coating technologies, anti-counterfeit systems, and retail-ready packs. It is anticipated that globally, smaller packs will be desired and an increased demand will be noted for single portions of food products, medications, and personal hygiene products.

  • Convenience Foods. Global demand is continuing to increase for convenience foods, and the convenient store industry is increasing the amount of grab-and-go foods they offer that are housed in folding cartons. Additionally, niche markets are beginning to provide lower calorie products in both frozen and dry food areas, so these manufacturers will also have an increased need for folding cartons.
  • Health Care. The health care sector makes up around 10% of the demand for folding cartons, and it is expected that this trend will continue to rise. Many medical professionals are calling for a smart pack system to be created by a folding carton manufacturer as a way to monitor the medication of patients.
  • Personal Care. A variety of personal care products rely on the use of folding cartons for both storage and marketing. If you walk down the toothpaste aisle at your local grocery store, you will notice rows of neatly lined toothpaste boxes, all of which are cleverly designed to grab your attention to make you choose them over the competition. Eco-friendly personal care options are also gaining popularity, so folding cartons made from recycled or recyclable materials will also be in greater demand in the future years.


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