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Types of Display Boxes to Market Your Products

Display Boxes
Are you looking for ways on how you can extendedly market your products and items? Have you ever think of placing display boxes on areas including supermarket, grocery stores, and convenience stores? If not, you might want to consider this technique to boost your sales.

Display boxes are usually colorful and very enticing that can eventually encourage impulsive buying, especially if the display boxes are attractive to the customers. A colorful display box with accurate information and inviting promos and discounts that are not using too much space at the supermarket usually gets the sale!

However, display boxes itself does have different types, such as the counter top displays, floor displays, power wings, and endcaps. If you don’t know which one will be effective for your product, you better determine what kind of display boxes will meet your product’s needs.

Counter Top Displays

From the name itself, counter top displays are the displays next to the counter or cashier. Counter top display in Victoria, B.C. proves that this kind of display box is an effective way to boost sales. Because this is placed next to the counter, or on the counter most of the times, a ready-to-purchase costumer will most likely take a look at the products on the shelf and get one. This kind of display box is perfect for small items such as chocolates, candies, CDs, magazines, and others.

Floor Displays

Another most common type of display boxes is the floor displays. Yes, from the name itself, this is a display box placed on the floor, which means it is freestanding and bigger than counter top displays. These can be placed at large supermarkets or grocery stores, big box stores, or even at a small boutique. Floor displays are also usually sturdier and stronger than any other display boxes because these are made from layers of corrugated cardboards to sustain the mass and weight of the products on its shelves.

Power Wings

Power wings are also known as the sidekicks. The main reason why it is called that way is that these display boxes are attached to the main shelves or any fixed structure inside an establishment such as supermarkets and grocery stores. To effectively pull off this kind marketing strategy, all power wings should be hanged at eye level to promote impulse purchases.


While power wings are attached to the shelves, endcaps are placed at the end of the aisle right after the main shelves of an establishment. This type of display boxes is even sturdier and stronger than the floor displays because this can hold a large quantity of items. An endcap should be able to include some touch-and-feel component of a product.

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