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Custom Packaging does More than Ship Your Product

custom packaging

When you use custom packaging, you are probably aware of the fact that you are advertising not only to the customer that is receiving the product, but to anyone that comes into contact with it along the way. It is important to remember that this packaging does so much more than show up on your customer’s doorstep. You should never think of it as strictly a box; it is a package with plenty of information that could make each customer a loyal customer and even bring you new customers!

Important Information is Displayed

Custom packaging means that you have the say in what gets displayed on your boxes. You are not restricted to strictly using your logo or company name; the sky is the limit! Why not include useful information for your customer? With information such as your customer service phone number, special number for re-ordering, or your website, you can make it easy for customers to contact you, which usually results in a happy customer. If even a few of your customers keep the boxes and packaging around, they will happily stumble upon it at some point, helping them to not only remember your company, but they will then have a way to contact you right at their fingertips, making it that much more likely that they will call.

Get More Customers

Boxes have a way of getting reused by multiple people. If your custom boxes are getting passed around from person to person, you can consider it like free advertising. Why waste that time with a plain box or a box with simply your company name? Give people a chance to get to know your company by providing phone numbers or your website. You never know who will stumble upon your box and become a customer just because of this advertising method.

Advertising that is Virtually Free

Consider your custom packaging advertising as free advertising. You have to ship your products, so why not do it with boxes that let the world know who you are and what you do? We’ve all heard of brand awareness and how effective it is at keeping customer’s loyal as well as getting new customers. Why not use it to your advantage with your boxes? By adding just a few words, you are letting people all over the world, potentially know about your business. You have no idea whose hands each box will end up in. One day it could be in the hands of someone that needs your products.


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